The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)

20 ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1967 Mike Kerriari Western Illinois Serving Country jjs Student Ground Broken at Green Rock For New Henry County Bank Chord AFB, Wash. He is a member of the Military Airlift Command which provides global airlift, air rescue, aeromed-ical evacuation, air weather and air photographic and geodetic services for U.S. forces. The sergeant is a 1954 graduate of Monmouth High School. His wife, Violet, is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick E. Fowlkes of Los Alamos, N. M. CAMBRIDGE Airman 2nd Council Head i ALEDO Mike Keman is the newly elected president of the North Side Junior High School student council.

Vice president is Brad Feder-man, while Robin Pattison is secretary, and Jim Bigham, treasurer. The group still hasnt decided on this years project. Last year the council gave the school an automatic' filmstrip projector. They also donated portraits of American presidents, which are currently being displayed on the schools first floor. The facilities for the bank, estimated to cost $43,000, will ba leased, from Dr.

Albert. The bank has a $500,000 capitalization, with 20,000 shares sold. More than 400 persons hold the 248 certificates and early 1968 has been set for the opening of the bank. 1 Architect is Tevis Freeman bf Moline and the contractor is Stees Brothers, Geneseo. The building will be a 60 by 46-foot brick structure.

ganizers of the bank. They are Bolling; Hanford; Nash; Dr. Charles L. Watters, Geneseo; Ralph S. Clifford, rural Colona; Dr.

Lowell E. Martin, Molme; Morris Corey, Silvis, and 'Dr. Jose M. Albert of East Moline. Other directors are Earl C.

Owens; Colona; Alan D. Pinkerton, Green Rock; Charles R. Baum Jr. and Paul Seys, both of rural Colona; Rex H. McGe-hee, Silvis, and Willy M.

Nagel of Rock Island. GREEN ROCK Groundbreaking ceremonies were held this morning for the new Henry County Bank at 107 1st Green Rock. Atty. Robert C. Bolling, Port Byron, president of the new bank, William H.

Hanford, Gen-eseo, cashier and James C. Nash, Geneseo, chairman of the board, took part in the ceremony. There will be 14 directors of the bank, eight of whom are or Vicltrty GENESEO Airman Roger L. Carton, son of Mr. and Mrs Lewis F.

Carton of Route 1, Geneseo, has completed basic. Class Phillip S. Hultman, son of Commendation Medal. Rockridge High School Edg-mgton. CAMBRIDGE Airman l.C Larry D.

Johnson, son of Mrs. Hazel T. Johnson of 304 E'. South Cambridge, participated in the recently concluded exercise Large Flay near Heidelberg, Germany, Airman Johnson is a telecommunications specialist at Sembach AB, Germany. The airman is a 1961 graduate of Cambridge High School.

MONMOUTH Army Pvt. Douglas E. Hoelscher, 19, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L.

Hoelscher, and wife, Virginia, live on Route 1, Monmouth, was assigned to the 2nd Armored Division at Ft. Hood, Oct. 9. Pvt. Hoelscher, a mechanic, entered the Army in July 1966 and was last stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.

He is a 1965 graduate of Warren High School, Monmoutli, training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He is now assigned as an administrative specialist with a unit of the Air Defense Command at Finley Air Force Station, Ind. Airman Carton, a 1966 graduate of Atkinson High School, attended Western Illinois University. Mr. and Mrs.

Vernon Hultman of 203 N. West St Cambridge, participated in an annual field training operation, Exercise Deep Furrow' 67, in Turkey. Airman Hultman is an aircraft mechanic in the 64th Tactical Airlift Wing at Sew art AFB, Tenn. Hultman is a graduate of Cambridge High School. State Farm Official To Speak in Warren PORT BYRON Donald V'itkroy, 29, son of Mr.

and Mrs William R. Vickroy of Route 1, Port Byron, has been commis- GENESEO Navy Ensign Richard E. Yahnke, son of Mr. tary of information for the IAA include responsibility for publications, newspaper, radio and television coverage, is a member of the Public Relations Society of America, Agricultural Relations Council and Press Club. Chicago Sr sioned a second lieutenant upon and Mrs William E.

Yahnke of graduation from the Officer Can- 240 E. Second St and husband didate School at the Army Artil- of the former Miss G. L. Bright lery and Missile Center, Ft. Sill, of S.

Oakwood Ae all of Gen-Okla Gunnery was the primary subject taught during the 23-week week course. He was also trained in artillery survey and transport, communications, map and aerial-photo reading, electronics, counter-insurgency and leadership. eseo, was one of 177 officer candidates who were commissioned upon graduation from the Naval Officer Candidate School (OCS) at the Naval Base, Newport, recently. The officer candidates, graduates of 112 colleges and universities throughout the United MONMOUTH Army Pvt. Ronald L.

Payne, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Payne, 723 W. Bolton, Monmouth, completed a cooking course Wednesday at Ft.

Leonard Wood, Mo. During the eight-week course, he was trained in meat cutting plus cake and pastry baking. He also learned how to prepare and serve food in Army mess halls and the field. MONMOUTH William. W.

Allen, secreary of information for the Illinois Agricultural Association, will be the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Warren County Farm Bureau at 6.30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 7, in the Warren High School social room. During a business meeting, members of the Farm Bureau will vote on a proposed change in the bylaws restricting members of the board of directors to two terms of not more than three years each. Allen, who has been secretary of information for the last seven years, was director of publicity for three years preceding 1960. He is a native of Crawford County and has a degree in journalism from the University of Illinois.

He served in World War II, and was a newspaper reporter in Paris, 111., and Champaign before entering public relations work. The author of a book published by the National Education Association, Allen currently is a guest lecturer at Illinois State University, Normal, where he resides with his wife and three children. Allen, whose duties as secre States, were instructed in naval sciences during the 16 weeks of training which comprise the of ficer candidate school course. Ensign Yahnke is a graduate of Monmouth College. ERIE Air Force Staff Sgt.

Thomas 0. Stoudt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uhlan K. Stoudt of Erie, has reported for duty at MacDill AFB, Fla.

Sgt. Stoudt, an air armament technician, is assigned to a unit of the Tactical Air mand. He previously served in Vietnam. The sergeant is a graduate of Erie Community High School. Self Defense Course Set In Monmouth MONMOUTH A new course in self defense is being offered this year for the first time as a part of the curriculum at the Warren County YMCA in Monmouth, according to Gary Schliessman, program director.

The class will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Nov. 7 to Dec. 7, with Don Pittman, a junior at Monmouth College who holds a brown belt in karate, serving as instructor. During the class duration, there will be 10 sessions of two hours each, starting at 7 p.m., and enrollment will be limited to 16 men or women of high school age and older. Tuition cost will be $10 for members of the YMCA and $15 for non members.

OPHIEM Taul Shepherd, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd, has completed 16 weeks of Officer's Candidate School Training in Newport, I. He received his commission as an Ensign Friday in ceremonies at Newport. Shepherd will go to Charleston, SC, for seven weeks of further schooling.

Shepherd graduated from the University of Illinois in and enlisted in the Navy immediately following his ALEDO Marine Lance Corp. Scott W. Weeks, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett W.

Weeks, 209 N. W. 5th Aledo, received a Parachutist Badge recently upon completion of the Army Infantry Schools three-week airborne course at Ft. Benning, Ga. His training, which included five jumps from a C-130 airplane flying 170 miles an hour at an altitude of 1,250 feet, qualified him as a parachutist He also underwent strenuous physical conditioning.

MAGAZINE EDITOR SPEAKS Mrs. Olive Foster, right, Springfield, editor of the Illinois History Magazine, spoke to students in Aledo Thursday and yesterday concerning the Junior Illinois History program sponsored by the Illinois State Historical Society. She gave programs for eighth graders at Roosevelt Military Academy, the Junior Historians at North Side School and at Aledo High School. Mrs. Foster and Mrs.

Keith Lund, history instructor at North also formulated plans for the Northwest Regional Junior Historian meeting slated in Aledo April 27 at the high school. From left are Mrs. Lund, Bill Olson, Junior Historian president, and Mrs. Foster. (ARGUS Photo.) Library Week To Be Noted in Viola VIOLA Steven Mason, the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Vinae Mason of rural Viola, has been stationed in Ansback, Germany. He was promoted to Sergeant In August, the second youngest draftee to attain that rank in a two-year period overseas. Mason entered the service in February of 1966. ALEDO Army Pfc.

William E. Stallings, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stallings Route 4, Aledo, was assigned to the 9th Transportation Company near Long Binh, Vitenam, last month. Pvt.

Stallings, a driver in the company, entered the Army A graduate of Winola High May 1967 and was last sta School, Mason was employed at tioned at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Henderson Ford in Aledo before VIOLA Library Week will be observed next week at the Green Township Library, with an open house next Saturday being a highlight. All children visiting the library that day will be given a bookmark by Mrs. Lena Whitcomb, librarian.

In the town hall room, which adjoins the library, childrens films w'ill be shown. Children are invited to visit the library next Saturday on the following schedule: Kindergarten through third grade, 9 to 10 a.m. and fourth through sixth grades, 10 to 11. After the films, the library board will give candy bars to the children. Residents are being urged to visit the library any day next week.

Plans for Library Week have been made by Mrs. Whitcomb and by Mrs. Dennis Mack and Mrs. Fred Forsyth, library board members, and Mrs. Sara Smith of the Viola Womans Club.

entering the Army. He is now on leave, visiting Spam and Hoi land ALEDO Machinist Mate 1st! ALEDO Army Pfc. Pat-Class Ronald Shipley, USN.jrick W. Rush, 29, son of Mrs son of Mr and Mrs Virgil 'Irene L. Rush, 511 W.

5th St Shipley of Route 1, Aledo, is in Aledo, was assigned to the 92nd the Gulf of Tonkin, off the coast I Artillery near Giessen, Ger of North Vietnam, aboard the many, last month, heavy cruiser USS St. Paul. The cruiser, flagship for the Commander of Cruiser-Destroy Pvt. Rush, a connoneer in Battery entered the Army in October 1966. He completed Concert at Monmouth Is Sell-Out MONMOUTH An Increased demand for season tickets to the Monmouth Concert and Lecture Series is reported by C.

P. Patterson, publicity director for tiie series organization, following last Monday nights sell-out concert. Appearing on the opening propam Monday night were the Olaeta Basque Festival Dancers and Singers. Remaining propams In the series are concerts by the Michigan State Woodwind Quintet, the preservation Hall Jazz Band from New Orleans and the Vienna Boys Choir. Also slated is a lecture by John Kenneth Galbraith, diplomat, author and expert in foreip affairs.

basic training at Ft Campbell, and was last stationed at Ft. Bragg, C. er Group Seventh Fleet, is participating in Sea Dragon GENESEO Army Pvt William C. Brokaw, 26. son of Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Brokaw, 616 REYNOLDS Richard L. Allen, 19, son of Mr.

and Mrs Raymond Allen, 605 Perryton Woodhull WOODHULL Fritz Block-hus of Cedar Rapids and Miss Lois Sipes of Iowa City spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sipes. Mr. and Mrs.

John Dunbar spent Monday night and Tuesday with relatives in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelly of Westmont visited her mother, Mrs. Betty Epperson, and in Galesburg with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Kelly. Miss Connie Engholm, who is attending the school of nursing at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Engholm. Mr. and Mrs. G. A.

Spyres and family of Canton spent a recent afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar. The AlWood Council 0f State St, Geneseo. completed a 'St, Reynolds, has been proinot-w heeled vehicle mechanic ed to Army Spec.

4 at Ft. Hood, at Ft. Leonard where he is serving with course Oct. CAMBRIDGE POSTMASTER SWORN IN Harold S. Gilvin was sworn in as postmaster in Cambridge yesterday by W.

J. Babl, postal inspector, Rock Island. Gilvin replaces Kenneth Lamb, who has served as acting postmaster for the past three years. Gilvin with his wife, Mary Jane and three daughters reside at 211 S. West St.

Pictured left to right are Babl and Gilvin. (ARGUS Photo Wood, Mo. During the course, he a trained to repair internal combustion engines and wheeled vehicle chassis components. He received his B. A.

degree In 1967 from Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa. the 2nd Armored Division. Spec. Allen, a medical aid-man; entered the Army in November 1966 and received his basic training at Ft. Campbell, Ky.

He is a 1965 graduate of Biggsville New Windsor F.arT,planTg cntest Is 1 oday In Mercer County ALEDO Army Warrant Officer Larry G. Decker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Decker ALEDO Boys from fivej ment dealers. They will be pre area high school agriculture de-jsented at the annual district Farmer Hurt On Tractor Alpha ALPHA Mrs.

Kenneth Moreland is a patient at St. Marys Hospital Galesburg. Mrs. Ward Botruff was taken to Moline Public Hosiptal Wednesday to undergo surgery Her husband also is in the hospital for treatment. They reside in a cottage at Crescent Lake.

Max Briggs is a patient in Galesburg Cottage Hospital, having injured a foot while working with machinery on his Church Women Community Day farm near here, will be held next Friday ini Mrs. Francis Edwards and Alpha Baptist Church. There son Frank, of Somerset, Eng-vvill be a film and musical num-'an are spending three weeks bers with Mrs. Winifred Reinhart WOODHULL Stewart Mann and Louis Browning. Mr.

and Mrs. Byron Weir have returned home after spending a few days with relatives in Detroit. The Wiers ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard and family to Canton where they visited Leonard Hazelrigg, former Alpha resident.

Linda Lambert has returned from Sun City, where she spent a month with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Speas visited relatives in Marshalltown, Iowa. The the BIGGSVILLE Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Cochran of Battle Creek, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochran. The Cochrans returned to Battle Creek with their son.

Biggsville firemen will sponsor their annual Wiener roast at the ball park Monday night from 6 to 9. MONMOUTH Staff Sgt. Carroll L. Goff, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Willard I. Goff of Route 2, Route 3, Aledo, was as-Monmouth, has been graduated signed to the 706th Signal De-from the U.S. Air Force Senior1 tachment in Vietnam on Oct.10. Noncommisioned Officer Acade-I WO Decker, a cryptographic my at Orlando AFB, Fla. technician in the detachment, Sergeant Goff, who received entered the Army November received advanced military 1956 He was last stationed at meeting in February.

In addition, all boys participating will be pests on a conservation tour next spring. partments are vying today in the annual farm planning contest sponsored by the Mercer County Nels soil and Water Conservation Windsor District. NEW WINDSOR' Frederickson, a New leadership personnel and training, is a technician at Mc- Ft Huachuca, Anz WO Decker farmer, was injured in a trac-l The event is taking place on holds two awards of the Armvltor accident about 10 45 Thurs- Kenneth Brown's farm south of Homemakers Notes FOR SALE 1948 ilODGE Ui TON WRECKER New Engine Tulsa too winch Two-way power take-off. Reasonable Phone Edgington 16-R-13 Can be seen at Standard Station, Edgington Club Mother Is Named At Last Meeting Of Aledo Columbians day morning at his home. Aledo, and students from Aledo, Alexis, Westmer, Sherrard, and He was filling a culvert about Rotkndge hlgh chools are sub.

a quarter mile from his house, mittmg plans for 300 acres on when the tractor he was using the farm. Two new members were ac-' overturned and pinned him on Three youths from each school into the organization, 1 the tractor seat. He was found who have best farm plans by his wife, who went to see far operations will merit trophies David Downey and Mrs. ALEDO At the meeting of the Aledo Columbian Club Thursday, Mrs. Selma Edwards was named Club Mother to succeed p'n the late Mrs.

W. H. Clarke. cepted i Mrs. CAMBRIDGE Some 120 Homemakers from Henry and Stark counties enjoyed a special propam of 50 Plus Fun for women over 50 on Thursday in Kew anee.

Displays of hobbies were exhibited by several members. Following a luncheon, Miss Lucile Pepoon, University of Illinois family life specialist, presented Keys to enjoying She challenged the poup propam sponsored by Homemakers Extension Association in Stark and Henry 2-Room Cabin On Swede Lake at New Boston See Bud Hendersin Aledo Thomas, both of Aledo. why he had not returned to the from the various county lmple-Mrs. Will Parks accepted the house for lunch. Neighbors were post of recording secretary to called in to help free him.

Two Drivers Fined complete the term of the late He was taken to Cottage Hos Mrs. George Ouderkirk. ipital, Galesburg, for X-ray ex- The next meeting of the club animation and released. There will be Nov. 30, at which time were no broken bones but his members of the Home Life De-, log as badly bruised.

partment with Mrs. Audrey Car- roll as chairman, will present a Although only one riverTtlie program entitled, Preparation Angara, drains Lake Baykal, in CAMBRIDGE Fined speeding in Henry County Mapstrate Court were Pamela R. Cook, Orion, $15; Marcella M. Grudzinski, East Moline, $11. HOUSE FOR RENT In the country on good gravel road.

On school bus route. Phone Edgington 6R10 George Hofmann FOR SALE Two bedroom Aledo home. Garage, new kitchen and bath. Extra lot. Clean inside and out.

Good location. ROY STEAD AGENCY Aledo. 111. Office: 582-7124 Res: 582-7458 WANTED 1000 GALLON BOTTLE GAS TANK. Ph.

593-3898 After m. Karl G. Fletcher, Sherrard, 111. Cir-' to keep contact with other peo-cuit and to enjoy life itself by sharing and serving with other 'people; to make use of leisure time to the best advantage; and DBM to try hew things. Asia, 336 rivers flow into it.

for the Holidays. For Sale by Board of Education of Rockridge Community Unit School District No. 300, 3 school buses as follows: 0 1 1955 Chevrolet 46 passenger Wayne Body 2 1953 Fords 58 passenger Wayne Body Available for Inspection at Unit 300 bus garage in Reynolds, Illinois. Offers to be made to Joe Wylder, Supt. Tel.

795-1167. FORD '67 New Gal. 5004-dr. Air and Power SAVE -SAVE -SAVE Henderson Ford Aledo 65 Plymouth 25,000 Miles, l-owner. Clean and Good.

$1245 Henderson Ford Aledo MERCURY '66 Convertible, Loaded, White, Air Conditioned. Save $2000 Off List- Henderson Ford Aledo MEROJRYS 67 NEW! NEW! NEW! 3 Wagons With Air 2 Sedans SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Henderson Ford Aledo 59 Int. Long W.B. Grain Box Hoist Henderson Ford Sales Auto City, U.S.A. Aledo Hew Mustangs 67 TIME FOR US TO Pass These Out See Us Now and Save Henderson Ford Aledo.

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)
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