The Maw Zone Overview and Guide (2025)

Last updated on Dec 04, 2020 at 10:29by Blainie3 comments

This page goes over the information currently available about The Maw, oneof the new zones in the Shadowlands, and will be updated as more information becomesavailable.


Getting to The Maw

Currently, outside of your initial venture into the Maw when firstheading into the Shadowlands, you need to jump into the middle of the Ring ofTransference in Oribos.

Jumping into the middle will trigger a cutscene and teleportyou down to The Maw.



You will always spawn in Ve'nari's Refuge, a safe area belonging to Ve'nari.Here, you are immune to the effects of the Jailer's Torments and can directlyenter Torghast.

For more information on Ve'nari, you can check our guide below.

Ve'nari Reputation and Maw Farming Guide


Entering the Shadowlands via The Maw

When you first start the questline to enter the Shadowlands, you will have yourfirst experience within The Maw. The questline takes you through multiple areasof the zone and ends with you establishing yourself in Oribos, prior to startingquesting in Bastion.


Map of The Maw

The Maw Zone Overview and Guide (1)



This horrific prison houses the most vile and irredeemable souls inexistence—ones deemed by the Arbiter to represent a threat to the Shadowlands ifleft free. Ruled by the enigmatic Jailer who none have ever seen—at least nonehave seen and lived to tell—the Maw inspires nightmares and legends even amongthe denizens of the Shadowlands. No one has ever escaped this vile place, and anyfoolish enough to venture there are never heard from again.


Areas in The Maw

Ve'nari's RefugePerdition HoldCrucible of the DamnedThe TremaculumThe Beast Warrens


Ve'nari's Refuge


Ven'ari's Refuge is located in the centre of the map and is also whereplayers will be teleported on the Beta when taking the portal from Oribos.

This section will be updated with a list of notable rare mobs in this area.


Perdition Hold


Perdition Hold is located to the south-west of Ve'nari's Refuge.

This section will be updated with a list of notable rare mobs in this area.


Crucible of the Damned


The Crucible of the Damned is located to the west of Ve'nari's Refugeand is also where a portion of the introduction questline takes place.

This section will be updated with a list of notable rare mobs in this area.


The Tremaculum


The Tremaculum is located to the north-west of Ve'nari's Refuge.

This section will be updated with a list of notable rare mobs in this area.


The Beast Warrens


The Beast Warrens is the largest area in The Maw, to the south ofVe'nari's Refuge. Currently, if players venture there without the properprotection, they will be periodically feared.

This section will be updated with a list of notable rare mobs in this area.


Torghast, Tower of the Damned

Once, the Jailer kept only the most dangerous souls in the cosmos confinedin this eternal prison. Now, some of Azeroth's greatest heroes are trapped here,and you'll need to rescue them from the Jailer's tower before he expends theirvery souls.

Torghast is an endlessly replayable, ever-changing dungeon that you canchallenge alone or in a group. Your runs will differ each time, but you'll needto explore cautiously. Death comes at a terrible cost. Defeat enough ofTorghast's unpredictable challenges, and you'll be rewarded with unique abilitiesand items to ensure your present survival or bolster your next run. The furtheryou progress, the greater your likelihood of retrieving materials to craft thelegendary weapons and armor that will help you restore balance to the Shadowlands.

Other secrets lie within the tower… but they're yet to be revealed.


Unlocking Torghast

In order to unlock Torghast, players will need to complete the questline offeredto them by their respective covenant upon reaching max level.

The questline is very similar for all covenants, but we will cover each covenant'sperspective in a dedicated page in the near future.


Torghast Guides

You can find all of our Torghast-related guides in our dedicated hub, whichis linked below.

Torghast Guides Hub


Collectibles in The Maw

Within The Maw there are a variety of mounts, pets, and toys to collect,including the hidden Hand of Nilganihmaht mount. However, asPatch 9.1 added 45 new mounts and 46 new battle pets,we have created separate guides breaking down what these new collectibles areand how to obtain them below.

Mounts of The Maw and KorthiaHand of Nilganihmaht Guide

Wild Battle Pets of The Maw and KorthiaPatch 9.1 Battle Pet Collection Guide



  • 04 Dec. 2020: Added note about Ve'nari reputation.
  • 07 Aug. 2020: Added questline for first entrance into The Maw.
  • 05 Aug. 2020: Added zone map.
  • 04 Aug. 2020: Revamped page.
  • 02 Nov. 2019: Page added.

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The Maw Zone Overview and Guide (2025)


What is the zone in the maw? ›

The Maw is the an end game zone in Shadowlands which houses Torghast, Tower of the Damned and serves as the Jailer's seat of power. Unlike the other zones, there are no Covenants and few friendly areas within the Maw; it is an inhospitable hellscape which houses the most dangerous threats within Shadowlands.

How many levels are in the maw? ›

This page involves walkthroughs for all eight of the base game's levels, and also the three Deleted Scenes (DLC).

Why can't I enter the Maw? ›

Common Problems. Representatives of the Knights of the Ebon Blade are now keeping death gates to the Maw open in your faction's main city. You can use these to return to the active quest location in the Maw if you leave before completing the introduction.

How to breed a mae? ›

Maw is a Double-Element Monster that is first unlocked on Plant Island. It is best obtained by breeding Mammott and Toe Jammer. By default, its breeding time is 30 minutes long.

What level is mulgore zone? ›

Mulgore is the starting zone for the Tauren, and contains both their starting zone, Camp Narache, and their capital, Thunder Bluff. Cairne Bloodhoof stands in Thunder Bluff as the High Chieftain of the Tauren. As a starting zone, Mulgore is intended for level 1-10 Horde players.

How do you unlock maw assaults? ›

Covenant Assaults are unlocked after completing Chapter 2 of the Chains of Domination questline, Maw Walkers. Once the chapter is completed, Covenant Assaults will spawn once you pick up the breadcrumb quest A Unified Effort with Bolvar in Korthia.

Can you fly in the maw and Korthia? ›

Unfortunately, you can only fly in the 4 Covenant zones mentioned before, so you cannot fly inside The Maw, Korthia, or Oribos. Note: However, there are some teleporters you can use in The Maw and Korthia that will make traveling in these areas much faster.

How do you escape the maw in the ruins? ›

Escape the Maw

Here, you will enter yet another chase scene, which will see you running and dodging any obstacles that block your path. Eventually, you will climb through a small gap in a brick wall where you will find a cement mixer. Push the cement mixer in front of the gap to escape the Maw.

Is Six the Lady Little Nightmares? ›

It has since been confirmed by Tarsier Studios that Six and The Lady are not related. This may mean that portraits of what were previously believed to be Six could in fact be the Runaway Girl, or another unidentified child.

Does Little Nightmares take place on a ship? ›

Set in a mysterious world, Little Nightmares follows the journey of Six, a hungry little girl who must escape the Maw, an iron vessel inhabited by monstrous, twisted beings.

How long does it take to beat the maw? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, The Maw is about 3 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 5 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How do you get the fallen charger in the maw? ›

Visit the maw and check the assault Npcs, if they have brand new spawn times you're good to go. Fallen charger will ALWAYS pop 1 hour into a fresh maw reset.

How do you get the maw cat to go fishing? ›

Catching Guide

The fastest method is to hook the Bulbfish that is in its mouth, although this requires some precision to avoid hooking the Maw itself. If you do this correctly, the Maw will immediately chain onto your hook and can be reeled in. You can also hook a Bulbfish that is not in its mouth and use it as bait.

Are there rift portals in the maw? ›

Additionally, [Collapsing Riftstone]s can be found — typically on the corpses of rares, but extremely rarely on any Mawsworn mob — which open an Unstable Rift Portal anywhere in the Maw or Korthia that lasts for two minutes.

What is the new zone in Warlords of Draenor? ›

Draenor is composed of 7 new questing zones: Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond, Nagrand, Shadowmoon Valley, Spires of Arak, Talador, and Tanaan Jungle.

What zone is Plaguefall in? ›

Plaguefall is a dungeon located in southeastern Maldraxxus. This dungeon can be accessed starting at level 54. Members of the Necrolord Covenant are able to use Fleshcraft on certain slimes around the dungeon to grant themselves and nearby allies bonuses such as Rapid Infection and Corrosive Gunk.

What zone is Stratholme in? ›

This version of Stratholme is still considered part of the old Quel'Thalas zone, and players in it will be listed as being in "Quel'thalas" when searched via /who or checking their guild roster. It has King's Square as a subzone.

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.