Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (2024)

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    • Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (1)
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    • Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (2)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (3)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (4)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (5)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (6)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (7)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (8)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (9)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (10)

      Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (11)

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      Once known as Gyeonseongsa Temple, Bongeunsa Temple is located north of COEX, and was constructed in the 10th year of Silla King Weongseong’s reign (794). In 1498, Queen Jeonghyeon refurbished Gyeonseongsa Temple and renamed it Bongeunsa Temple.

      Originally located near the Royal Tomb of King Seongjong, the temple was transferred to its current location during Joseon King Myeongjong’s reign. The temple is home to 3,479 Buddhist scriptures of 13 types, including the works of Kim Jeong-hee. The Buddhist ceremony called Jeongdaebulsa is held on the ninth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, where monks march carrying the scriptures on their heads and recite the Beopseongge (Buddhist rites).

      • Address

        Address Directions

        531, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

        서울특별시 강남구 봉은사로 531

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        N/A (Open all year round)

      • Inquiries


        • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
        (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
        • For more info: +82-2-3218-4800

      • Parking



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      Map Directions

      What's nearby Here are some recommended destinations nearby! Attractions within 50 kilometers are arranged in the order of closest distance.







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    Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울)) : VISITKOREA (2024)
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