Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (2025)

Many challenges await the heroes of Azeroth in Legion, and among the most dangerous are the dungeons found in and around the Broken Isles. In this preview, we take a look at two of the expansion’s new dungeons: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls.

Halls of Valor

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (1)

Minimum Level: 98
Location: Stormheim
Bosses: 5

In the clouds high above Stormheim, the titanic keeper Odyn has called the greatest vrykul warriors of Azeroth to be his Valarjar. Amidst feasting halls and hunting grounds, these ascended vrykul test themselves and prepare for the great war that is to come. Adventurers must pass through these halls and prove their worth if they hope to stand before Odyn and claim the Aegis of Aggramar.

Developer Insights: The look and feel of this dungeon was inspired by the Norse mythos of Valhalla, and we began by asking ourselves: What would the greatest and fiercest vrykul warriors look forward to as their eternal reward? Our answers to that question defined each of the major locales within the Halls of Valor: feasting, drinking, hunting, smithing, and testing their combat prowess. The scale and architectural style hint at the titan influence over the vrykul, as well as Odyn’s origins as the titan Pantheon’s Prime Designate charged with watching over Azeroth before the turmoil chronicled in the Storm Peaks during Wrath of the Lich King.

The Halls of Valor can be found in the southeast of Stormheim. You’ll need to fight your way to the Gates of Valor to gain access to what lies beyond. In this multi-level dungeon, you'll prove your worth against five mighty bosses.

Fields of the Eternal Hunt

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (2)

Fenryr: In the Fields of the Eternal Hunt, the greatest vrykul champions keep their skills sharp, competing to see who can fell the largest beast. But man and beast alike give a wide berth to the fearsome worg Fenryr, true master of the Fields, who stalks his prey and pounces with unnerving quickness.

The High Gate

Hymdall: Clad in gleaming golden armor, with an imposing frame that looks to have been chiseled from granite, Hymdall remains ever vigilant at the gates of the Halls of Valor. Tasked by Odyn to keep the unworthy from entering the Halls with deadly storm drakes circling nearby ready to heed the call of his horn, he will never falter in his charge.

Hyrja: In life Hyrja was a warrior without equal, defending the Valkyra from all threats. Her valor and courage drew the attention of Eyir, a titan watcher. Upon her death and ascension to the Halls of Valor, Eyir has awarded Hyrja with her greatest honor, transformation into a Val’kyr.

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (3)

Halls of Valor

God-King Skovald: Gul’dan approached the vrykul king Skovald with a simple proposition: he could join the Legion and receive ultimate power, or he could see his people destroyed. Dreaming of conquest and glory, Skovald has taken up the Legion’s offer and been set to a single crucial task. He must claim the Aegis of Aggramar from Odyn in the Halls of Valor and deliver it to Gul’dan. Only then can his endless conquest begin.

Odyn: Odyn, a titan keeper, was empowered by the titan Pantheon to lead the titan-forged armies against the Old Gods. In the aftermath, he raised the Halls of Valor into the skies, assembling a force of the greatest vrykul champions to defend Azeroth. But when Ulduar fell into the clutches of Yogg-Saron, he was betrayed by Loken and cursed by Helya, now trapped within these halls for eternity.

Maw of Souls

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (4)

Minimum Level: 110
Location: Stormheim
Bosses: 3

While the greatest vrykul warriors are spirited away to the Halls of Valor to glory eternal, shiny and gold, the cursed and damned find themselves on the shores of the Maw of Souls. Amidst fog and mist, they await the Naglfar, a fearsome ship formed from sinew and bone, which comes to deliver these poor souls to Helheim, and the clutches of Helya.

Developer Insights: This max-level dungeon is the direct counterpoint to the Halls of Valor. If the Halls were based on Valhalla, the Maw of Souls was based on the mythos of the Naglfar. We decided early on that, just as the Grimrail Depot dungeon in Warlords had largely taken place on a moving train, that the ship itself would be the location for most of the action in the Maw of Souls. Our art and encounter team explored a few different concepts, including an eerie sea of mist and ghosts, before one of our effects artists demonstrated a prototype of a tumultuous ocean that did an incredible job of making the player feel like they were caught in a terrible storm. Once we saw that, we quickly honed in on that vision, and the rest was history.

Beginning in the Hellmouth Cliffs, players will make their way to the cursed ship Naglfar to experience a cruise of a more sinister kind.

Hellmouth Cliffs

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (5)

Ymiron, the Fallen King: Ymiron, one-time king of the vrykul of Northrend, was a mighty warrior held in awe by his people. The gates of the Halls of Valor awaited him in the afterlife. But, hungry for more power, he struck a dark bargain with the Lich King. When adventurers struck him down, he found the eternal Halls closed to him. And so, the damned king waits in purgatory on the shores of the Maw of Souls.

The Naglfar

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (6)

Harbaron: The mysterious ferryman of souls stands at thehelm of the Naglfar, gathering the damned and bringing them to Helya’s domain. His connection with the fallen queen of the val’kyr is unclear but when the breeze catches Harbaron’s cloak, an expanse of shimmering stars unfolds beneath. Strange.

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (7)

Helya: Helya, fallen queen of the Val’kyr, was once at Odyn’s right hand, raising the spirits of vrykul champions to the Halls of Valor to prepare for the final battle for the fate of Azeroth. But following Loken’s betrayal, she was persuaded to join him and turn upon her master. She now lurks in the shadowy realm beneath the world, plotting her revenge.

Legion Dungeon Previews: Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls - WoW (2025)


Where is the maw of souls in wow legion? ›

Maw of Souls is a dungeon located in the Helmouth Cliffs in central Stormheim.

How do you get to the halls of valor from valdrakken? ›

The quickest way to get there is by using your purple Dalaran Hearthstone, if you have one left over from Legion. If not, there's a portal to Dalaran in Valdrakken that functions the same way. Once you're in the Broken Isles, it's just a matter of flying over to the zone.

Where is Halls of Valor Legion? ›

Halls of Valor is a dungeon located in eastern Stormheim, and it is the location of the Pillar of Creation known as the Aegis of Aggramar. In the clouds high above Stormheim, the titanic keeper Odyn has called the greatest vrykul warriors of Azeroth to be his Valarjar.

How to get poor unfortunate souls? ›

The Poor Unfortunate Soul is a crafting material that you can get by catching a Funky Soul with a Bug Net which spawns after killing a Shadow Caster.

How to enter Maw of Souls? ›

The Maw of Souls is a dungeon in World of Warcraft: Legion. It is entered at Helmouth Cliffs near Tideskorn Harbor in Stormheim and then leads to the Naglfar sailing across the eponymous Maw of Souls: an endless, stormy sea separating the world of the living from Helheim.

What level is the maw of souls? ›

Maw of Souls is a max-level dungeon located in the Maw of Souls in central Stormheim. It is available for Level 110 characters in Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic+ difficulties.

How do you unlock Hall of Valor? ›

If the Dragonborn manages to enter the hall before Alduin appears, they will not be able to get out of the hall as it will be locked. If playing on PC, one is able to enter the Hall of Valor again by opening the console, selecting the door, and typing unlock . That way, the door leading to the Hall can be used again.

How do I open the forest of Valor? ›

How to Unlock the Forest of Valor. The Forest of Valor can be unlocked after spending 3,000 Dreamlight to clear the Giant Night Thorns that block access to the area.

Which portal for Halls of Valor? ›

Halls of Valor is located in Stormheim at /way 72 68. There is a portal to Legion Dalaran in Valdrakken.

How do you unlock Legion order hall? ›

The first Order Hall quest for a character may be acquired after completing the Legion introductory quest chain, in Dalaran above the Broken Isles. Once there a member of your order will approach you and offer a quest which will introduce you to your Order Hall.

How do I get the Legion quest? ›

If your character is level 50 or above, visit the Hero's Call Board in Stormwind or the Warchief's Command Board in Orgrimmar and pick up the Broken Shore option "Fight The Legion". This will grant you the quest "The Legion Returns" (Alliance/Horde).

Can you solo poor unfortunate souls? ›

Comment by Datasnuten. As of this post this achievement is not possibly soloable. Lost Soul is not given to you when you kill Dantalionax on your own with Wandering Soul.

Can you solo Glory of the Legion Hero? ›

Glory of the Legion Hero and how to do it solo! Blizzard relatively recently changed the achievement to be soloable, but it will still take more than a reset as certain bosses are not always available.

Is Glory of the Legion Hero account wide? ›

The Glory of the Legion Hero is Account-Wide, but the appearance is NOT.

Where is the best place to farm souls in the maw? ›

1. Stand at 38, 40 in the Maw, behind the furnace thingy. 2. DPS down the soul rocks that spawn to the left or right of you, and the souls should show up right beside you.

Where is Druid Order Hall Legion? ›

Druid – Dreamgrove

Only druids can enter the Dreamgrove, which can be accessed via flight path, portal, or on foot via a dirt path running north from the Temple of Elune. In the Dreamgrove, players will find the Tome of the Ancients located north of the Circle of Spirits.

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