Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (2024)

Learn Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon --- Discover the art of selecting the perfect watermelon, the best way to cut them, learn if dogs can eat watermelon, and uncover more tips + tricks—explore everything you need to know about enjoying this summer favorite to the fullest.

Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (1)

This post has Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon! Nothing compares to biting into a juicy, ripe watermelon on a scorching summer day. However, we've all experienced the disappointment of picking a bad one that turns out flavorless and mealy.

That's where this article comes in—discover how to choose the perfect watermelon, learn how to cut watermelon, explore delicious watermelon recipes, uncover their health benefits, find out can dogs can eat watermelon? And SO much more!

Jump to:
  • What Does A Good Watermelon Taste Like?
  • How To Pick A Good Watermelon
  • How To Prep Watermelon For Cutting
  • How To Cut A Watermelon
  • How To Use Watermelon
  • How To Store Watermelon
  • Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?
  • Is Watermelon Healthy?
  • More Wellness Tips You Will Enjoy

What Does A Good Watermelon Taste Like?

  • Naturally sugary + delightful, like candy from nature.
  • Bursting with refreshing juice that hydrates + satisfies.
  • The flesh should be firm, not mushy, with that classic satisfying crunch.
  • Perfectly cooling, making it the ideal treat on a hot day.
  • Watermelon is so healthy for us and has so many benefits!
Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (2)

How To Pick A Good Watermelon

We've all experienced the disappointment of cutting into a watermelon only to find it lacking in flavor and juiciness. But don't worry—these tips will help you score the best watermelon every time! Here is how to pick a good watermelon:

Look for a Uniform Shape

Choose a watermelon that is symmetrical and free from irregular bumps or indentations.

Check the Field Spot

Look for a creamy yellow or orange spot on the bottom of the watermelon, indicating it ripened on the vine.

Tap + Listen

Give the watermelon a gentle tap with your knuckles—it should sound hollow, indicating that it is ripe and full of juice.

Inspect the Skin

The skin should be firm, smooth, and without cuts or bruises.

Pick It Up And Feel It

A heavy watermelon for its size typically indicates ripeness, as it is filled with water.

Smell the Stem

A sweet fragrance from the stem end suggests it is ready to eat.

Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (3)

How To Prep Watermelon For Cutting

To prepare a watermelon for cutting, start by washing it thoroughly under cool running water to remove any dirt or debris from the skin. Next, secure your workspace with a stable cutting board + a sharp knife that can easily cut through the watermelon's tough rind.

Once your workspace is ready, place the watermelon on the cutting board and slice off both ends to create stable bases for further cutting.

How To Cut A Watermelon

There are several ways to cut a whole watermelon --- but I'm going to share my 5 favorite methods ---- the classic wedges, cubes, balls, and the super handy watermelon sticks.

  • Wedges. Start by cutting the watermelon in half lengthwise, then place each half flat side down and cut into wedges.
  • Cubes. Cut the watermelon into slices, then cut each slice into strips. Rotate the strips and cut them again to create cubes.
  • Balls. Use a melon baller to scoop out round balls of watermelon flesh for a fun + decorative presentation.
  • Sticks. Slice the watermelon into thick slices, then cut each slice into long sticks for a convenient grab-and-go snack.
  • Boats. Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise and then into quarters. Scoop out the flesh of each quarter with a spoon, leaving the rind intact, to create edible watermelon boats.
Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (4)

How To Use Watermelon

Watermelon is SO versatile—it's perfect for snacking on slices or cubes, adding to fruit salads with feta + mint, or blending into juices, smoothies + mocktails. Personally, I love using watermelon for refreshing drinks like:

  • Watermelon Strawberry Lime Mocktail
  • Fresh Watermelon Cucumber Mint Juice
  • Refreshing Pink Lemonade
  • Strawberry Basil Pineapple Mocktail
  • Spicy Watermelon Mojito Mocktail
  • Frozen Watermelon Margarita Mocktail

How To Store Watermelon

To keep your watermelon tasting its best, here’s what I do:

Uncut Watermelon

If it's whole and uncut, I leave it at room temperature, away from direct sunlight + heat.

Cut Watermelon:

Once I've sliced it up, I store the pieces in an airtight container or wrap them tightly with plastic wrap. They go right into the fridge, where they stay fresh for about 4-5 days.

Freezing for Later

Sometimes I cut the watermelon into cubes and freeze them on a baking sheet. Once frozen solid, I transfer them to a freezer bag for up to 6 months. Perfect for putting into smoothies or a frozen watermelon margarita!

Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (5)

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Wondering if your furry friend can eat some watermelon? Good news—dogs can eat watermelon! It's a safe + healthy treat for dogs to eat --- especially on hot days, thanks to its high water content. Watermelon is also packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as potassium, which are great for your pup.

Just remember to give it in moderation to avoid digestive issues, and always remove the seeds + rind to prevent choking hazards and stomach problems.

Is Watermelon Healthy?

Absolutely, watermelon is very healthy! It's packed with nutrients and offers several health benefits like:

It's so hydrating. With over 90% water content, it's great for keeping you hydrated, especially on hot days.

Rich in vitamins. It's loaded with vitamins A, B6, and C, which support your immune system, skin health, and energy levels.

Loaded with antioxidants. Contains antioxidants like lycopene and cucurbitacin E, which help protect your cells from damage and reduce inflammation.

Great for heart health. Lycopene in watermelon is linked to improved heart health.

Digestive health. The fiber in watermelon supports healthy digestion.

Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (6)

There you have it— I hope learning about watermelonsencourages you to try them out! If you are looking for any meal inspiration check out my"What To Eat This Week"series for some seriously delicious + healthy eats.

More Wellness Tips You Will Enjoy

If you loved learning aboutWatermelonand how healthy it is for you then check out these health + wellness tips next:

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Everything You Need To Know About Watermelon (2024)


What are 5 facts about watermelon? ›

Watermelon contains vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. Watermelons are 92% water and 8% sugar. They can grow with or without seeds. Watermelons are in the same gourd family as squash and cucumbers.

How many watermelons can I eat a day? ›

“You can safely eat two servings of watermelon each day, but it's never a good idea to go on a diet that features only one type of food,” cautions Whitson. “A watermelon cleanse is a fad, like any other, and it will deprive your body of other nutrients it needs to function properly.”

What does watermelon do for the body? ›

Research has found that the nutrients in watermelon reduce blood pressure and improve circulation to support heart health. Watermelon also helps reduce muscle soreness, manage weight, aid digestion, and protect your skin. Eating the fruit may also protect against chronic diseases.

Is watermelon healthy yes or no? ›

It has a very high water content and provides nutrients like lycopene, citrulline, and vitamins A and C. Studies suggest that this sweet, red melon may even boost heart health, reduce muscle soreness, and decrease inflammation, though more research is needed.

Why is watermelon so special? ›

Watermelon is rich in an amino acid called citrulline that may help move blood through your body and can lower your blood pressure. Your heart also enjoys the perks of all the lycopene watermelon contains. Studies show that it may lower your risk of heart attacks.

Is watermelon high in sugar? ›

While Johnston says watermelon "satisfies the sweet tooth," it has less sugar than many other popular fruits. Mangoes, grapes, cherries and pears all have more grams of sugar per serving than watermelon. But watermelon still has about 17 grams per slice, so it's best not to load up on too much of it at once.

Is watermelon good for the kidneys? ›

Diuretic & Kidney Support

Watermelon is a natural diuretic which helps increase the flow of urine, but does not strain the kidneys (unlike alcohol and caffeine). Watermelon helps the liver process ammonia (waste from protein digestion) which eases strain on the kidneys while getting rid of excess fluids.

Is it good to have watermelon at night? ›

In short, eating watermelon in the evening is not a problem in itself. It is a healthy and delicious fruit that you can enjoy at any time of the day. Remember to keep a balance in your diet and overall lifestyle, and don't worry too much about the myths surrounding watermelon.

What does watermelon do to the brain? ›

Watermelon is a storehouse of Vitamin B6, a nutrient that assists the body to produce brain chemicals which relieve stress, anxiety and panic attacks. Without much effort, one is able to relax their blood vessels that enjoy the feel-good rush.

Can watermelon reduce belly fat? ›

Watermelon is a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to help reduce belly fat. It is also a good source of water, which can help you feel full and satisfied after eating.

Is it OK to eat watermelon daily? ›

Fortunately, watermelon is a safe and healthy fruit, and nutritionists have not defined an unsafe limit for its intake. You may only want to moderate your intake if you need to keep your blood sugar levels low.

Can watermelon detox you? ›

The digestive system is a natural detoxifying process, and while foods like watermelon may promote gut health, you're better off incorporating more healthy foods into your diet - such as fibre-rich foods, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and plenty of water - which do more for your body than any trendy cleanse.

Does watermelon cleanse your arteries? ›

“Watermelon is an especially good source of L-citrulline, a substance that researchers have found lowers blood pressure and helps prevent clogging of the arteries,” she says.

Can we drink water after eating watermelon? ›

Having too much of any liquid after eating a watermelon may lead to diarrhea, bloating or vomiting. It is best to avoid drinking water to prevent these conditions.

What are some facts about watermelon fruit for kids? ›

A watermelon is a large, oval fruit with green skin; sweet, juicy pulp; and seeds. Although red watermelons are the most common ones we see, they come in other colors, too, like orange, yellow and white. Watermelons are 92% water and related to cucumbers, squash and pumpkins.

Is watermelon a fruit yes or no? ›

Like the pepper, tomato, and pumpkin, watermelon is a fruit, botanically. It is the fruit of a plant originally from a vine of southern Africa. Loosely considered a type of melon (although not in the genus Cucumis), watermelon has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet interior flesh.

Is watermelon pink or red? ›

The sweet, juicy flesh is usually deep red to pink, with many black seeds, although seedless varieties exist. The fruit can be eaten raw or pickled, and the rind is edible after cooking.

What fruit is watermelon 🍉? ›

The fruit is a type of berry known botanically as a pepo. The sweet juicy flesh may be reddish, white, or yellow; flesh colour, shape of the fruit, and thickness of the rind depend on the variety. Watermelon weight varies from 1 to 2 kg (2.5 to 5 pounds) to 20 kg (44 pounds) or more.

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.