Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (2024)

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Mornings can be crazy. Here’s an easy way to get it going! This Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal will be an amazing and fast way to start your day!

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (1)

When you’re trying to get out the door in the morning make sure and grab this easy breakfast idea to fuel you through your day!

Mornings can be pretty chaotic around here. So it’s important for me to simplify breakfast as much as possible. That being said one can’t live off of bagels or cereal alone. I want the kids to have something that’s got a little more sustenance without all the work. So that’s why I love this 2 ingredient strawberry yogurt and this recipe for Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal has become a huge favorite in our home. Best of all it can be tailored to any needs, or taste 🙂 I actually prefer this over the traditional oatmeal because of the texture that you get from the refrigerated kind vs cooked.

What you need to make Refrigerator oatmeal

Mason Jar

Oatmeal (old fashion-not instant or rolled!)


Greek Yogurt

Fruits, Nuts,(anything that you like-Sky is the limit!)

Honey or sugar for sweetening

You can make this recipe with any size mason jar. I used the half pint because I know that’s the perfect size for my family. To be honest with you I’m full with that size as well because of how hearty that is. That being said you can upgrade in size if you know you have a heartier appetite.

To begin fill mason jar half way to 3/4 up with oats.

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (2)

Then cover oats with milk.

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (3)

Add about a table spoon of Greek Yogurt. I used unflavored.

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (4)

Then add any fruit you like. We did dates,blueberries, strawberries and nuts.

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (5)

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (6)

Finally seal the jars and refrigerate overnight. These will keep for about 2-3 days. So you can do them well in advance.

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (7)

Finally you can add honey or brown sugar to taste.

Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (8)

This is so easy,so delicious and very hearty. Give kids a delicious homemade breakfast made easy!


Looking for more breakfast ideas? Check out 15 Blackberry Breakfast ideas

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    Comments & Reviews

  1. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (9)Carole Termini says

    Do you then heat these oats in the microwave before eating?


  2. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (10)Alojamiento web says

    Apple Pie Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal – healthy breakfast that requires no cooking and tastes like apple pie. Make it the night before for fast breakfast


  3. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (11)SusanneMT says

    This looks yummy, but unfortunately my children aren’t keen on oatmeal. I’ll have to try this and see what they think.


  4. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (12)Dandi D says

    I’m going to have to remember to do this for breakfast soon!


  5. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (13)denise low says

    Thank you for the recipe. Sounds great. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (14)Chelsey Drake says

    This is a great idea! Breakfast is the hardest meal for me to get in consistently. Thank you for the idea!


  7. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (15)Rachel Adams says

    This looks great! I think I’m going to have to give it a try.


  8. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (16)Jessica says

    This is so similar to what I eat in the mornings anyway, but it’s made ahead of time! I like the idea of prepping it the night before and it’s all ready to eat by morning. Thanks for sharing!


  9. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (17)Cassandra Marie says

    How is the texture different? And do you eat it cold? It sounds super easy and healthy, so I want to be excited, but I admit, I’m still hesitant.


  10. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (19)katie says

    This looks so good and I love recipes that use greek yogurt because I’m always looking for more protein rich foods


  11. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (20)Jessie Hughes says

    Great idea! This will make mornings a little bit easier when everyone is scrambling to get ready for work and school


  12. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (21)Renee Rousseau says

    I can’t wait to try this awesome oatmeal hack! What a great time saver this will be in the morning! Saving time and eating healthy will be our new mantra!


  13. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (22)Sarah B says

    This is genius! It looks so yummy. I will definitely have to do this for the kids and I.


  14. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (23)Jessica Hannah says

    I absolutely love this idea because none of my kids like to eat at the same time when they first get up so this would be easy heat up and be ready to eat


  15. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (24)Randy Fulgham says

    this sounds really good and i will try it someday


  16. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (25)Cheryl Reinhardt says

    Wow!!! I have not always been a big oatmeal fan, but I have to say this looks really Fantastic!!!! I love all the texture and color to it… and the best part is making it ahead of time and it can be served right out of the jar! I am going to have to try this, especially topped with ripe fresh fruit…. it really is a Winner!!!!


  17. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (26)Anna Schwartz says

    I will need to bookmark this after this comment. Would love to make this for my husband and I so we can eat breakfast at work. We’re not morning people, so we like to get as much sleep as we can before heading out the door. So we eat breakfast at work.


  18. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (27)Ruth Entwistle says

    We are big oatmeal eaters so I think I’ll try this! Do you heat it up??


  19. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (28)Kristyn Anderson says

    I am in love with this post! I didn’t know it was that easy 🙂


  20. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (29)carey says

    Looks amazing


  21. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (30)Danielle Rudolph says

    This looks yummy!


  22. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (31)Raina DelRio says

    What a great idea! I am all about setting things out/doing things the night before. It makes the morning go so much smoother!


  23. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (32)Claudia says

    What a yummy and healthy breakfast/treat. Also its easy and quick to do. Thank you for sharing.


  24. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (33)Richard Hicks says

    Will be making this. What a healthy , fast and ready to eat food for breakfast


  25. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (34)Michelle says

    I will have to try this. Sounds so good


  26. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (35)Geneveigh Sewell says

    This looks so yummy! Seems pretty easy to prepare too. Breakfast is a meal I always skip although it’s my favorite. I’m going to try this tonight/tomorrow!!


  27. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (36)Eva D says

    I love this idea!!!! What a great way to save time in the morning


  28. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (37)Em Mahr says

    Such a Great idea! My kids would love it with chocolate chips or apples & cinnamon! I also love how convenient it is – they could eat it in the car or on the bus!


  29. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (38)Danielle Ellison says

    I am going to do this. Thank you for the wonderful idea. I love oatmeal especially while breastfeeding. 🙂


  30. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (39)Anel says

    Yum! This looks delicious! This would be great for the mornings you don’t feel like cooking! Lol


  31. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (40)Michelle R says

    These look yummy! I’m going to make some this weekend!


  32. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (41)Lorna Patrick says

    This looks amazing!! I want to try it and am wondering if it would work the same without yogurt and using almond milk.. I will try and find out 🙂


  33. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (42)Chelsi Smith says

    This looks so easy and yummy. I might have to try it


  34. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (43)Darlene Wright says

    I’ve been using a crockpot, but I think I like this idea better! Thanks for sharing!


  35. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (44)MaddiesMom says

    I might have to try this! I ALWAYS need new breakfast ideas!


  36. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (45)Erica ardali says

    I saw a chocolate one on Pinterest. I am not a big oatmeal fan but maybe chocolate oatmeal could help me change my mind. 🙂


  37. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (46)Lauryn R says

    Yum!! This is such a great idea, and so easy!! Oatmeal is definitely one of my favorite breakfasts but I usually just do instant, which isn’t always that great for you. I can’t wait to make some of these and see how the family likes them, thanks! 🙂


  38. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (47)Dandi D says

    This is one of my very favorite things to make for breakfast!


  39. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (48)Monica Powell says

    We love oatmeal, and eat it almost every morning. I’m to try this for sure.


  40. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (49)Brandi Hammel says

    Very excited to try this tonight!! I eat oatmeal every morning and look forward to changing it up! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  41. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (50)Lori D. says

    This is a great idea, especially on the many morning that we are in a hurry to get everyone off to work and school!


  42. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (51)Amber Ludwig says

    Love how easy these are!! A hearty breakfast right out of the fridge!! So awesome!! Can’t wait to try it!!


  43. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (52)Dorothy Boucher says

    I love that you added yogurt to your oatmeal, I don’t know to many people that do
    this, and I do I love that you can make these ahead of time. This will work out wonderful
    when I know I have the grandchildren over for a few days.


  44. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (53)Ashley Chassereau Parks says

    I should do this for my hubby as a surprise in the morning. He gets up very early (before anyone else)… so it isn’t often that breakfast is ready for him.


  45. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (54)Cathy Jarolin says

    I am not a huge fan of oatmeal cereal! Mainly because I think it has a slimmy texture to it when its cooked! I Prefer Cream of wheat! But not cooking it, it should have a different texture all together! So these Overnight oatmeal treats look so good to me, I think I will actually try these. Thankyou for sharing this great Idea. I pinned it on my pinterest board!!


  46. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (55)Ellie C. says

    Yum! What a great idea–I’ll have to try this.


  47. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (56)Amanda G says

    I never thought to do these in jars that are small like baby food jars! So perfect for the kids or toss in my bag for a snack. I find my mason jar ones make way too much to eat at one time.


  48. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (57)melody hodge says

    I love the recipe for Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal. Its easy to make and quick which in most households, is great. I know it is in my home. Im a home school mom and try to plan out meals and snacks ahead of time so that I have more time with my son for class work and outside fun. For me, I think the Honey in the recipe would taste so good. 🙂 Thanks for the recipe.


  49. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (58)Barrie says

    Thank you for showing how this looks as I’ve always been curious but it just sounds mushy. The photos make it look really good so I’m going to try it!


  50. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (59)Karen says

    This sounds so good, almost like a parfait! I’ve heard of overnight oatmeal in a slow cooker, but not fridge oatmeal! Thanks for sharing!


  51. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (60)Faith Daniel says

    My mom and sisters would love this! I’m not a big fan of oatmeal but I know they would love to try this. I’ll definitely let them know about this.


  52. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (61)Sunnie says

    Cute jars, these are Mason Jars?


  53. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (62)Deborah D says

    I am going to make this.


  54. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (63)Lisa Coomer Queen says

    This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this. This will be great.


  55. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (64)Jennifer LaFave says

    Looks tasty 🙂


  56. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (65)Michelle S says

    I’ve seen this before but not read exactly how to do this. I love oatmeal for breakfast but seemingly always running late so how perfect to make this the night before.


  57. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (66)Marti Tabora says

    I have wanted to try overnight oatmeal for a while, this recipe makes it sound even better. I’m a huge fan of greek yogurt. Thanks.


  58. Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (67)Katy says

    This looks so good! I’ve been meaning to try overnight refrigerated oatmeal, but I think you’ve just prompted me to try it today for breakfast tomorrow! I know my daughter will absolutely love these since she loves oatmeal, yogurt and berries! Thanks for the recipe!


Easy Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.