As disparities in math scores persist, NYC announces new curriculum overhaul (2025)

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Math instruction is the latest problem New York City officials are trying to solve.

Middle and high schools are adopting standardized math curriculums in hopes of addressing stark racial disparities in state test scores, Mayor Eric Adams said Monday.

Known as “NYC Solves,” the new initiative takes a page from the city’s literacy curriculum overhaul, the signature education policy of Adams and schools Chancellor David Banks, which requires elementary schools to choose from among three pre-approved reading curriculums.

“Schools all over the city, even on math, were just kind of doing their own thing,” Banks said at a press conference at Samara Community School in the Bronx. “That’s no way to run a system.”

The vast majority of high schools are in the process of adopting a single Algebra 1 curriculum. By this fall, 420 high schools will use Illustrative Mathematics for that subject, a program that emphasizes building students’ conceptual understanding of math rather than focusing on more step-by-step procedures. (Six high schools were granted waivers from using the curriculum; officials did not immediately say which ones.)

Meanwhile, over the next three years, all middle schools will be required to use an approved math program. Curriculums created by the companies i-Ready, Amplify, and Illustrative Math are currently approved by the department, though Deputy Chancellor Danika Rux said the city may tweak that list in future years. Local superintendents will be able to select which curriculums their schools use from the list, a process similar to the city’s literacy initiative. Officials said they have allocated $34 million to “NYC Solves” over five years.

The districts in the first round — Manhattan’s District 2; districts 7, 11, and 12 in the Bronx; Brooklyn’s districts 14, 15, and 32; and District 26 in Queens — are participating voluntarily, officials said. Those districts already widely use Illustrative Math, meaning many middle schools will likely not see significant changes next school year. About 63 of the initial 93 middle schools participating in the first phase are currently using the curriculum, though a spokesperson said other schools may have been using a free version that is not tracked centrally.

At the high school level, the math curriculum mandate is expected to extend to other high school grades, as well as elementary schools and District 75, which serves students with disabilities, in later phases of the initiative, though officials did not offer a specific timeline.

The curriculum overhaul comes as the city’s students have long struggled with the subject, and some educator advocacy groups have pushed for changes. Fewer than half of the city’s elementary and middle school students scored proficient on state math exams last year given to third through eighth graders. Urgency to address the issue has been heightened by pandemic learning losses, as well as stubborn disparities in math achievement between Black and Latino students and their white and Asian American counterparts.

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Last year, just 34.3% of students who are Black and 35.7% who are Latino demonstrated proficiency on their math exams, compared to 70.2% of white students and 77.6% of Asian American students.

“That is wholly unacceptable,” Banks said. “As the data shows, not only do we have a literacy crisis in this country, we absolutely have a math crisis as well. And this struggle with math, for many of us, runs very deep, and it starts early.”

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Banks suggested that the curriculum changes could be a challenge for teachers, many of whom he said are themselves uncomfortable with the subject.

The Illustrative Math curriculum has focused on posing unfamiliar math problems to students with minimal introduction, prioritizing student exploration with a goal of developing deeper conceptual understanding. It was developed by a University of Arizona professor in 2011, following sweeping changes to math teaching that occurred after the rollout of the Common Core standards, a set of benchmarks meant to give states shared academic goals.

Earlier this year, the curriculum left some New York City educators divided — with some arguing it represented an overdue shift away from rote memorization, while others worried it lacked the kind of structure and built-in repetition that many students need, particularly those who are struggling.

Marielys Divanne, the executive director of Educators for Excellence, an advocacy group that has pushed for math reforms, praised the shift.

“NYC Solves is another huge and much-needed step forward in helping our students achieve better outcomes in math,” she said in a statement.

Julian Shen-Berro is a reporter covering New York City. Contact him at

Alex Zimmerman is a reporter for Chalkbeat New York, covering NYC public schools. Contact Alex at

As disparities in math scores persist, NYC announces new curriculum overhaul (2025)


As disparities in math scores persist, NYC announces new curriculum overhaul? ›

Math instruction is the latest problem New York City officials are trying to solve. Middle and high schools are adopting standardized math curriculums in hopes of addressing stark racial disparities in state test scores, Mayor Eric Adams said Monday.

What is the new curriculum in NYC schools? ›

About the Curricula

As part of the NYC Reads initiative, all early childhood programs will use The Creative Curriculum. All elementary schools will choose a comprehensive, evidence-based curricula for reading instruction that includes grounding in phonics.

What happened to the New Math? ›

In the end, it was concluded that the experiment was not working, and New Math fell out of favor before the end of the 1960s, though it continued to be taught for years thereafter in some school districts.

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A typical sequence of secondary-school (grades 6 to 12) courses in mathematics reads: Pre-Algebra (7th or 8th grade), Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus, and Calculus or Statistics. However, some students enroll in integrated programs while many complete high school without passing Calculus or Statistics.

Is illustrative math free? ›

The Illustrative Mathematics team has extensive experience with materials creation based on years of providing free K–12 materials and resources.

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Hidden Curriculum: Character Education and Values

Students are learning what respect, kindness, honesty and other virtues are through the behaviors modeling by the educators around them, as well as other students, their families and the community.

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The term “hidden curriculum” refers to an amorphous collection of “implicit academic, social, and cultural messages,” “unwritten rules and unspoken expectations,” and “unofficial norms, behaviours and values” of the dominant-culture context in which all teaching and learning is situated.

What is the new math curriculum called? ›

'New math', or Common Core math, can look very different from 'old math. ' Both methods get to the same answer, but your child's path to the solution may seem strange to you. Many parents have found themselves in a similar situation, not understanding how to help their child with these new methods.

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The ubiquitous use of data in society, alongside the idea that it may be a more accessible advanced math course, have prompted some in the math education field to push for greater availability of statistics-oriented pathways in high school mathematics.

Is math taught differently now? ›

This can be especially empowering for kids with learning and thinking differences. It prepares them to solve the real-world problems they will face in the future. Yes, math is being taught differently today. It may be a little more difficult for parents at times, but it definitely can be better for kids.

Which state has the best math curriculum? ›

The final SERI score indicates, on a scale of 1 to 5, how each state measures up to others in physics and math education and teacher qualifications. Massachusetts easily bested all other states with a score of 4.82, while Mississippi came in at 1.11.

What is the hardest math curriculum? ›

That's a great initiative you're taking to challenge yourself. Generally speaking, the most rigorous math courses in high school include Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC, AP Statistics, and for some, Multivariable Calculus (which might be offered at your school or at a local college).

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Singapore is the highest-performing country in mathematics, with a mean score of 564 points – more than 70 points above the OECD average. Three countries/economies – Hong Kong (China), Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei – perform below Singapore, but higher than any OECD country in PISA.

What are the criticisms of illustrative math? ›

SEVERE lack of practice for each skill. Lessons generally have 2-3 "activities" to introduce concepts with only 4-5 problems per lesson. As with many other options, you cover a lot of topics but do not get very deep into any of them really.

What math curriculum is the best? ›

10 Best Homeschool Math Curriculum
  • SplashLearn.
  • Teaching Textbooks.
  • Saxon Math.
  • Math-U-See.
  • Life of Fred.
  • Beast Academy.
  • RightStart Mathematics.
  • Math Mammoth.
Jul 11, 2024

How is illustrative math different? ›

Problem-based with real-world connections: Students discover, understand, and internalize key math concepts and apply their learning to various real-world problems and scenarios, simultaneously building procedural fluency and conceptual understanding.

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EngageNY is the first comprehensive, downloadable curriculum aligned to the rigorous Common Core standards, according to authors of the report, from conservative education think tank Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

What is the education system in New York City? ›

The city is divided up into 32 geographic districts. Those districts are then divided into smaller zones which determine the area served by local schools. Each district has its own superintendent and receives guidance from a Community District Education Council made up of parents and local representatives.

What is the new school in NYC known for? ›

Since our founding in 1919, The New School has redrawn and redefined the boundaries of intellectual and creative thought as a preeminent academic center. Our rigorous, multidimensional approach to education dissolves walls between disciplines and helps nurture progressive minds.

What is the highest rated ELA curriculum? ›

Out of a total possible score of 696 points, EL Education K–5 Language Arts earned 668 points, making it the highest-rated K–5 ELA series ever reviewed by EdReports.

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