Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (2024)

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UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#1: Apr 27th 2015 at 2:30:35 AM

You've heard of it, haven't you? Of course you might have, it happened in the last few decades or so, and we're still struggling to recover to this day. The great war between the demons and humans. A time when cold-blooded murder, brother turning on brother, and hunger for power ran rife through both sides. Humans assisting demons in return for power, demons helping mortals, sickened by the unjust actions against them, many of them using their demonic powers for the good of the future. Ironic, isn't it? Even a devil may care, it seems. The war was long, bloody and hard.

But we won. Two heroes arose, one human, one demon. Using their own lives as the price, they sealed the gateways between our world and the demon world. Their names will forever be remembered for their service to both man- and demonkind. Varla, the demon with a heart, and arguably the leader of the revolting demons. Angela, one of the few human priestesses left in the world, who recognized that her sacrifice was the thing most important to continued existence of humans, and even their uneasy alliance with demons. Their plan worked, somewhat. The seal prevented most of the greater demons from coming to our world.

But it was flawed, lacking a focal point for the spell to seal it off completely. And so, lesser demons were able to slip through, entering the mortal world and terrorizing their victims. Life...was better, but still filled with fear of demons, even lesser ones. And so, enterprising businessmen, caring individuals, or those obsessed with conflict and genocide of demons started devil hunting businesses. Some were only fake, just in it for the money, fleeing at the first sign of an actual demon. Some, much like Victor Leranz's "Victor's Purge", were honestly in it to protect people, while still making a pretty sum. And now, with the seal weakening, they will need everything they have to face the trials ahead...

"Hey? You still there?" Victor Leranz looks at you, waving his hand a bit to get your attention. In front of him sits a form, black words curving along the page, his red signature stamped at the bottom.

"So, you still want a position here? Well, I'm warning you, I only take the best with me, and you'd better be one of those guys or gals who honestly want to go up against demons. We're not some fancy, schmancy wannabe devil hunters. We're professionals. Devil, angel, or human, we have standards." Despite his normal laid-back attitude and words, his manner is quite serious. Still, he seemed pretty impressed with your skills, equipment and background. Now, what were they again?

Welcome to Advent of the Demon King, a Devil May Cry inspired RP! In this RP, you play as one of the newest hires of "Victor's Chance", one of the many demon hunting businesses on Earth, such as it is. This RP focuses mainly on player character interaction, Rule of Cool fights and characters, a story with a few twists, and of course, snarky banter from the boss.

A few things before you fill in the sign up sheet.

Important Information.

  • Races.
    • Humans: The jack of all trades, humans are the balanced fighters. They lack a Devil or Angel Trigger, but make up for it with weapon skills and styles. A human has the advantage of knowing two styles, or one style with many moves as well as carrying two melee weapons and two ranged weapons. Their strength is not as great as demon-hybrids or demons, and their spiritual powers are not as strong as angel-hybrids or angels, but they tend to be quite inventive.
    • Hybrids: The children of a human and either a demon or an angel. They gain the ability to Devil Trigger/Angel Trigger for a limited time, allowing them to assume a more powerful form. Of course, all their forms work differently. They may know only one style. Angel hybrids carry two ranged weapons, and one melee weapon, while demon hybrids carry two melee weapons and one ranged weapon. Angel-hybrids are better at magic than a normal human and demon-hybrid, but weaker physically than both. This is due to the angels blood in them, which seeks to preserve peace on Earth.
    • Angels and Demons: Creatures from either the heavens or the demon world. Polar opposites, there is a tenuous peace between angels and demons who turned on the Demon King. Fighters of either extreme, they are almost unparalleled in their respective fields. Demons are close range brawlers, able to dish out a lot of damage or take it. Angels are on the other end of the spectrum, long range magic users who rain down searing light on evil. However, due to their long lifespans, they do not learn easily, and know no styles of fighting. An angel or demon may only have ONE weapon, ranged or melee. An angel who sacrifices range for melee will become tougher, but have weaker magic, and vice versa. The same applies for a demon. Sacrifice melee, they become better at magic, but weaker at fighting.
  • Styles: These are the ways of fighting that people use. Humans, with their short lifespans and adaptability, may know two styles. Hybrids know one, and pure angels or demons know none. These are much like Dante's Trickster, Royal Guard, etc styles from DMC 3 and DMC 4, but you can make your own. Humans can sacrifice one style to become extremely proficient at the one they have left. Hybrids can have a style that requires Devil Trigger to use, much like Quicksilver or Doppelganger from DMC 3, which generally have only one move, but it is very powerful. Angels and Demons cannot use these at all.

Now, onto the sheet!

  • Name: Now, what's your name?
  • Gender:Male? Female? Sorry, can never be too sure these days.
  • Race:What are you? Angel? Demon? Hybrid? Or just another human? We don't care if you're a demon, angel, or what not, don't worry.
  • Appearance:Now, I need to fill in on this form what you look like. Describe yourself. Sorry, that's the rules around here. If you're one of those hybrids, I need you to tell what you look like in that form. Or you can just wait until the Trigger section, works too. Your choice. I also take pictures.
  • Personality:What are you like? How do you act? Any noteworthy personality traits you bring to the table? Beliefs, if any?
  • Equipment: What weapons and items do you have? Are your weapons custom jobs? If so, what is their name? What do they look like? What can you do with them? What modifications etc? Also, what personal items do you have on you? Mementos? Useful tools?
  • Powers and Abilites: What do you bring to the table for Victor's Purge? What can you do? How does your Trigger work? What do you look like in Demon/Angel form? Any magic? How strong, fast or intelligent are you?
  • Style: Sorry, keeping this separate for accuracy. What style/s do you use? What abilities do they grant you? Does your style require you to use up your Trigger? Demons and Angels need not apply for this section.
  • Background: Now, why do you want to work here at Victor's Purge? What brought you here? Do you have a vendetta against demons, angels, hybrids or humans? What important things happened in your life that made you who you are?

Current Characters:

  • Dawa Rinchen (daltar)
  • Adrian Stolas (svenorzokarkoff)
  • Samantha W. Barker (daltar)
  • Alexander Thompson (Kosjurake)
  • Gene Rockaby (Kyef)

edited 2nd Jun '15 8:10:58 AM by UndyingPhoenix

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#2: Apr 28th 2015 at 1:54:25 AM

  • Name: Dawa Rinchen
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Demon Hybrid
  • Appearance: A young woman of definite asian origin with a lithe athletic build of packed muscle. Skin is fair but tanned, with her back and arms covered in mostly black tattoos of scripture, concepts words of piety and guardian spirits. She's rather light and her height is of roughly 1,55 meters. However, beyond the strangeness of her 'usual' garb or monk robes, bandages and the like, there are some tell tale signs of her demonic heritage in her regular appearance. Her sheer black hair is marked with naturally occurring streaks of pure red, her ears are somewhat longer than average and around the brown in her eyes there is a bit of red present within.
  • Personality: Rinchen is a quiet and soft spoken individual, used to peace and tranquillity in an ascetic lifestyle meant to control the impulses of her demonic nature. Raised in a monastic, Buddhist lifestyle, much has stuck by Rinchen and makes sense to her, though she lacks the passion and zest of a true believer. While she knows the teachings by heart, she sticks to those that resonate the strongest with her as well as an ideal to make a more heavenly, peaceful and painless world wherever she goes. Still, given her nature as a Demon she sometimes is overcome by cravings of earthly pleasures or other unbecoming indulgences which she accepts as part of her lot on life... while feeling a bit guilty about it, she nevertheless tries not to fall into gross indulgence while letting the things she partakes in give her peace. While she tries to end as little life as she can, she has a particular lust for combat and battle which is hard for her to deny... and when it comes to dispatching other demons and wicked characters she has little hesitation to do her job.
  • Equipment:
    • Dana - Greaves and Gauntlets: And old relic of her temple, Dana The Generous are a set of greaves and gauntlets made of sanctified materials and with prayers inscribed upon their metal, once used by a great Monk to vanquish a rampaging demon. A powerful sacred relic which Dawa uses as an instrument to exert her martial arts applying and extra oomp to her punches and kicks, also allowing protection from the impact of other weapons instead of having them hit her naked skin.
    • Virya - Blade and Sheath: The remains of her first devil extermination back at her homeland were forget Virya the Vigorous, a two sided blade of a dull metal the color of which is in between gold and brass. The blade and sheath has the wondrous ability to change sizes, becoming as small as a dagger or as big as a claymore. Made of a single piece of metal with leather surrounding the grip and the pommel having a ring shape from which hangs from a string a long thin piece of cloth with prayers on it. This weapon also has a very light fire elemental quality to it.
    • Ksanti - Bow and Arrow: Gifted to Dawa by a mysterious traveler once she decided to set off from her homeland to exterminate demons, Ksanti the Patient is a marvellous bow of dark wood whose string is seemingly made out of pure moonlight. The harder the string is pulled the more taut it becomes, allowing for great strength to be applied on every shot without waste. Furthermore, upon pulling on the string an arrow seemingly made of hard lightning will appear.
    • Assorted Possetions: A backpack containing a passport, some loose money and gold pieces, prayers beads, calligraphy set and paper, picture of her family back at the temple, her favorite scriptures and some incense.
  • Powers and Abilites:
    • Basic Attributes: Rinchen as a Half-Demon, is massively gifted in physical arts, gifts which are further increased by her monastic training in martial arts. She is in top physical shape, with great speed and agility, strength and endurance, greatest to weakest in that order. She can last days without eating or sleeping and is generally an enduring individual. Spiritually she gives way to her demonic cravings, though she's generally pleasant and controlled from a life of discipline. Intellectually, she's not the brightest bulb around. While she has a good memory she has always gone more by instinct and gut than reason and logic. While she can show some cleverness, she'll ask that others handle complicated matters and follow her heart on most things. Another little detail of her physical capacities is how her feet are almost as dexterous as her hands when manipulating things.
    • Martial Arts: Rinchen had extensive martial training to improve her physical skills and give her something to focus her mind and release her pent up energy. She took to it like a fish does to water. She trained extensively in all manner of traditional weapons, mostly melee with some zen bow training. She's also skilled at fighting with no weapons, using only her body, punches, kicks and grabs to beat an opponent to submission. Her swordmanship is quite good, having had to dig into ancient texts and visit reclusive hermit masters to learn some new skills during her training given the speed of her progress.
    • Devil Trigger - Karma Demon: While her Devil Trigger is released, Rinchen's body changes in particular aspects. Her ears lengthen and expand further like those of a beast, her hair turns a bright, blood red color, she grows a thick tail and becomes enveloped in flames. Her eyes turn as red as her hair and her nails grow into veritable claws of ebony. Rinchen's physical abilities are further increased as her wounds knit themselves closed, her attacks becoming bathed in the flames of her passion. In this state, Rinchen's mind tries to maintain itself at peace even while her body and heart have all of their passions unleashed, maintaining a precarious balance. Rinchen can unleash this power by triggering a particular, short chant to undo the seals the tattoos on her body provide to help her control her nature... and then letting herself be carried away by the power of her demonic blood. She requires energy to unleash this power and lasts so long as her energy can keep up.
  • Style:
    • Perseverance - Comboist Style: Rinchen's style doesn't consume her Devil Trigger to apply. It is based upon the flow of her movements, gaining momentum with each successful attack on a chain. Taking energy from her delivered blows, each successive blow in a chain is given faster and stronger until the chain is broken, either by receiving a blow, dodging or moving away from the enemy.
  • Background: Rinchen was born from the one time affair of a monk and a demonic temptress, the union of which destroyed and gave rebirth to both. Her father was a virtuous warrior of faith, disciplined and unwavering and her mother was a being of sin, pleasure and destruction who wished nothing more than to destroy or corrupt this man. Both battled numerous times as enemies and yet, the more they faced one another upon both battlefield and ruses, the more they came to respect and understand the other. A twisted form of love blossomed within each of them... until the day they finally laid together. He was corrupted by the act, too touched by the need and desire for her, feeling through her touch all that the world has to offer. She was touched by his virtuousness, his love and tenderness... and through it became horrified about herself, losing her confidence as a demon. As a result of their union, her father abandoned the temple, moving away from the life of virtuousness which he was no longer suited for... and her mother stopped to terrorize the region, keeping quiet and tranquil... though nine months later, she deposited a just born babe at the door of the temple on which the man she loved once dwelt. Though the monks soon realized whose child she was and that Rinchen was tained by demonic blood, still do all living beings have the possibility for Enlightenment and a proper good life. They dutifully raised her... though Rinchen grew surprisingly fast in body as she received their training, though her spirit was still young. She took to their teachings, considering them all the only family she needed and the life of a monk all she required.... though with her gifts and talents in a world increasingly beset by demonic threats, she took it as her mission to combat those who would bring suffering and Hell to this world. Through an arduous battle in the mountains of Asia where she made her home, she slayed her first demon... and became a target by other local threats. Rinchen went through a period of intense training as she dealt with incoming temptations and threats... but finally she managed slay most of the small demons within her domain... all save a powerful one which escaped her sights. Deciding to continue her pursuit, Rinchen bid farewell to her family and embarked on a personal crusade to end that particular demon... but once she began to pursue him inside big population centers of which she knew quite little, she realized how big the world is... and at times, how full of suffering. Rinchen pursued her quarry as far as the city on which Victor's Purge operates before she realizes she can't carry on as she does. There is too much she doesn't know... she is ignorant off. About how the world and her enemies operate. Thus she decided to take a step back... and learn from those she can trust. Some people who helped her pointed her in the direction of Victor's Purge, the door of which this innocent, ascetic Half-Demon came to apply for a job at.

edited 6th May '15 2:14:49 PM by daltar

goodisgood BWAH-HA-HA! from from a high horse Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: All is for my lord


#3: Apr 28th 2015 at 5:40:46 AM

Thinking of an angelic character, but I'm torn inbetween that and the desire to be a mountain of a man who knocks demons on their asses like a brick house on wheels.

edited 28th Apr '15 5:41:27 AM by goodisgood

To the law and for the good of man. All I need to live by.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#4: Apr 28th 2015 at 5:54:50 AM

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (5)Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (6) Alright, so a quick, close range bruiser with medieval style weapons. Welcome to Victor's Purge, Dawa.

Might as well get started on Victor's sheet. Still a bit of a work in progress.

  • Name: Victor Leranz.
  • Gender:Male
  • Race: Human-Demon Hybrid.
  • Appearance: Tall, with light skin, ebony hair and one red eye, one blue. Outside of demon hunting, he wears a white t-shirt, brown leather jacket, sunglasses to hide his eyes, jeans and sneakers. For a job though, he wears a black, padded skin-tight suit with a thick, white trenchcoat that still allows easy breathing in case of fire-based attacks. He still wears the sunglasses, but wears combat boots in place of sneakers, and fingerless gloves.
  • Personality: Victor is laid back and easy going when it comes to people. Despite being half-demon, he manages to resist his darker side most of the time. However, he can be quite rude to people he doesn't like, and he turns outright sad*stic when people make him angry or get on his bad side. He's quite co*cky, but also in control and collected. While perhaps not the most natural leader, he's sure determined enough. A man without fear, truly. He's not afraid to get serious when the situation needs it, but he generally likes to joke around on the job.
  • Equipment:
    • Eris and Eirene: Victor's twin USP .45s. Eirene is a pure white, polished to a mirror sheen with gold engravings on the grip, while Eris is dark red, almost crimson, and dull, yet dangerous, with black engravings on the grip. They're smooth,sleek and overall, stylish. They don't need conventional ammo, instead, bullets are created from magical energy. They have been intensely modified for better accuracy, less recoil and easier handling, as well as still being lightweight.
    • Order and Chaos: Victor's twin broadswords, with interlocking handles that allow him to join them for wide, sweeping attacks. They look like this.Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (7)
    • Serenity: A mysterious katana and scabbard. Victor uses this weapon on very few occasions, but in his hands, they are deadly. It's absurdly sharp, lightweight. However, they don't fare well in attack sequences, relying on single, wide sweeps from the draw to maximize their power. They can attack out of the scabbard, but it's not quite as powerful, quick or wide. He has several moves he can only do from the draw, such as Retreat Assault, where he quickly dashes towards nearby foes, strikes, returns while sheathing the blade, rinse and repeat. It's ice cold, and a frosty grey. The scabbard is black with white, intricate drawings.
  • Powers and Abilites:
    • Physical characteristics: Victor lives up to his namesake, powerful, yet also intelligent and quite a bit deft. He's generally balanced. Strong, but perhaps not the extent of other hybrids. Fast, but only because of his enhanced attributes. He's decently intelligent, knowing a wide variety of topics related to demon hunting.
    • Devil Trigger: Victor has a two-stage Trigger. The first stage, he gains a slightly demonic aural appearance over his body. It's a neutral grey, and no fine features can be made out except that his coat becomes similar to wings near the bottom. His physical attributes are pushed up, but not as much as most other Devil Triggers. However, he takes on a human-looking demon form in his second stage, massively increasing his strength and speed, but at the potential cost of losing control. He does not use the second form very often, as it exerts great strain on his body. as well as taking a bit of a hit on his state of mind. Normally, Devil Trigger would heal you slightly over time, but second stage Trigger for Victor actually SLOWS his natural healing rate, even preventing him from healing after it ends. His appearance is black skin, with red and white lines running across his body, and blank, soulless eyes, one silver and one midnight wing extending out of his back.
  • Style: Assault Master:
    • Victor incorporates all his weapons and evasive maneuvers into this style, seamlessly switching between weapons to deliver deadly combos, while dodging out of the way of retaliatory attacks. However, one hit on him will mess up the entire combo. He can run along walls and dash or roll to evade.
    • One combo is called "Victor-Y Strike", dashing forwards and unleashing a deadly barrage of attacks with swords and katana, before hitting the enemy into the air, kicking them to the ground, throwing down Law and Chaos, landing and ripping them out. He ends 7 shots from Eris and Eirene each, and a final, charged shot of pure magical energy as he puts one foot on them to hold them down. Seamlessly stylish, but extremely easy to interrupt.
  • Background: Victor remains very quiet about his past. As far as he lets on, he started Victor's Purge just because he felt like doing it, and so he could prove that not all demons and their spawn are heartless, evil creatures. He was born to a demon father and a human mother, a demon of war and an advocate for peace between the races, respectively. He hides beneath his facade of a jokers mask, but something occasionally creeps in to trouble him, but what?

edited 29th Apr '15 6:25:21 AM by UndyingPhoenix

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#5: Apr 28th 2015 at 12:23:31 PM

Glad to be in, bossman!

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#6: Apr 28th 2015 at 12:27:22 PM

No problem. While we're on the subject, any changes you think I need to make? What do you think of Victor so far? I left the backstory intentionally sparse to create a few plot points?

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#7: Apr 28th 2015 at 3:28:25 PM

Seems good and balanced, no need to change anything that I have seen! Sparse backstory is good for a GM character.

TroyandHawk The Blinder from Back Home. Since: Jul, 2012 Relationship Status: 700 wives and 300 concubines

The Blinder

#8: Apr 28th 2015 at 7:22:10 PM


Good to be back

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#9: Apr 28th 2015 at 10:55:40 PM

goodisgood: I'd go with Angelic thing to balance our demons.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#10: Apr 29th 2015 at 5:59:58 AM

Or even humans. Humans are the most skilled race, but generally weaker stat wise compared to the others. They can be the most versatile due to their many weapons and ability to have 2 Styles. Twice the moves and at least one more weapon than another race. Not such a bad price for not being able to Devil or Angel Trigger.

Dragon573 Sanity not included from Sitting at a bonfire Since: Jun, 2016 Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking

Sanity not included

#11: Apr 29th 2015 at 6:46:08 AM

I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time-travelers, sliders or espers here, come join me. That is all.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm working on an angel hybrid at the moment.

edited 29th Apr '15 6:47:01 AM by Dragon573

It's kind of funny. Sufficiently advanced stupidity is like sufficiently advanced science; eventually, you find something you can't solve.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#12: Apr 29th 2015 at 6:54:02 AM

Whatever floats your boat. I tried to make each race as balanced as possible.

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#13: Apr 29th 2015 at 9:30:14 AM

Interested...Working on the Character sheet.

Edit: A question; is Victor's office located in the US?

edited 30th Apr '15 12:50:02 AM by svenorzokarkoff

Daydre That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth from the trash Since: Jun, 2014 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'

That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth

#14: Apr 29th 2015 at 7:58:49 PM

Okay, this is going to sound kinda stupid, but do I have to know all about the DMC setting, or can I just jump in?

off the sh*ts

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#15: Apr 30th 2015 at 2:17:49 AM

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (19)Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (20) Yes, in an unimportant, unnamed city.

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (21)No, you don't need any real information about DMC for this RP. Bit of a bonus, but not needed.

Also, thank you all for the interest!

edited 30th Apr '15 11:53:57 AM by UndyingPhoenix

Daydre That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth from the trash Since: Jun, 2014 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'

That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth

#16: Apr 30th 2015 at 11:54:10 AM

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (23) Oh okay.

off the sh*ts

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#17: Apr 30th 2015 at 2:20:59 PM

Here's my character sheet, hopefully it's alright.

Name: Adrian Stolas

Gender: Male

Race: Human-Demon hybrid.

Appearance: A young, 1.75m Caucasia male with dark brown hair, a swimmer's build and a fairly tanned complexion. Demonic traits include vermillion coloured eyes and sharpened teeth. Eyes set into a perpetual glare which unnerves most normal folks. Wears a stetson that covers his eyes in public, a brown jacket over a black shirt, dark gloves, jeans and combat boots. The hat is enchanted to stay on his head unless he removes it.

Personality: Contrary to his intimidating appearance, Adrian is a fairly friendly and patient person, although he does have a brutal streak that shows when his anger takes hold. Adrian is a pagan, and sometimes wonders if the "Horned God" was based off a renegade demon who defected. He sees demon-slaying as a duty and responsibly; killing those who wish harm on the undeserving, in order to protect the innocent, and holds disdain for fakers.


  • Cernunnos: Single-headed Meteor Hammer. Adrian's primary weapon. Head is a dull black with glowing orange lines. Meteor head has explosive element. Chain is dull grey, and its length varies between 2-8m depending on user's will. Highly versatile, effective against groups of enemieson land or in air. The other end of Cernunnos is wrapped around Adrian's arm, forming a makeshift gauntlet.
  • Fenrir: Greaves. Dark grey in colour with yellow lines. Raises Adrian's speed and strength when in use.
  • Ghede: Customized lever-action shotgun.Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (25) Modified for increased durability, reduced kickback, and compatibility with otherworldly energy. Uses standard ammunition (mainly buckshot), but Adrian is able to channel energy into Ghede for increased damage in his shots.
  • Other: Adrian wears a silver Pentacle around his neck. He also has his wallet, and a backpack containing a sheathed athame (Ritual knife), a notebook, water bottle, ammunition, and some miscellaneous items.

Powers and Abilites:

  • General abilities: Peak physical condition due to upbringing and demon heritage. Greatest trait is endurance, followed by strength, agility (reflexes), and speed being the weakest. Adrian's fairly intelligent, and has a good knowledge of demon hunting.
  • Pagan Magic: Adrian has had some training, although it is not his strength due to his demonic influence. Presently able to cast wards that can keep out lesser demons, and basic enchantments.
  • Devil Trigger: Adrian takes the form of a black armoured knight with crimson light between the gapsAdvent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (26) No rope-darts though. Increases Adrian's physical abilities, gradually regenerates heath, and his attacks and weapons deal more damage. On the other hand, Adrian's Devil state puts mental stress on Adrian by amplifying his anger, and he is Devil State also takes a fair amount of energy to maintain in battle.

Style: Vanguard style. Highly focused on offence, and dealing with groups of enemies. Relies on dodging and parrying to minimize damage taken. Dealing damage to enemies begins a combo, which grants a small increase in damage dealt as the combo continues to increase. The combo is lost when Adrian fails to deal damage (either because the enemy dodges/blocks successfully), is hit, or has to stop attacking and dodge. Does not require Devil Trigger to use.

Background: Little is known about Adrian's early years. All he knows is that his that father was a knight-class demon and the original owner of Cernunnos, his mother was human, and that he was found by the Pagan coven who raised him and taught him how to to defend himself. Adrian proved to be a natural fighter, and was fairly well-liked despite his hybrid status. Eventually, Adrian left the coven to further hone his skills, and wandered around the US dealing with devil attacks. One night, he overheard another hunter talk about Victor's Purge, and it gained his attention. It was rare that a hybrid started a devil-slaying business...Still, at least they might be more willing to hire a half-demon. Curious and interested, Adrian set off for Victor's Purge to apply.

edited 1st May '15 8:54:19 AM by svenorzokarkoff

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#18: May 1st 2015 at 3:25:51 AM

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (28) Alright, another close range fighter, except a heavy hitter this time. Accepted, but I ask that instead of healing all wounds, activating Devil Trigger heals some up front, and regenerates constantly over the period that it is activated. Does that sound fair, considering that normal Devil Trigger only regenerates without the healing?

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#19: May 1st 2015 at 6:50:33 AM

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (30) sounds good

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#20: May 1st 2015 at 7:03:57 AM

Alright, fully accepted then. Welcome to Victor's Purge!

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#21: May 2nd 2015 at 2:12:20 PM

-Recently played Bayonetta 2-

-Love for Umbran Witches intensifies-

Could we make multiple characters or would you prefer if each players just has one? Cause I'm currently looking at the system of this game to see how I can make the closest thing to an Umbran Witch possible.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#22: May 2nd 2015 at 2:23:42 PM

Hmm...I'm sure multiple characters would be alright. If I can get at least one more character, I'll try and get the ball going.

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#23: May 4th 2015 at 2:05:00 AM

  • Name: Samantha W. Barker
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: Samantha is a woman of 178 cm of height, youthful in looks though with blue colored eyes which show co*ckiness and experience beyond what her appearance may suggest. Her hair is always some tone of red, however depending on seemingly her whims it can go from a vivid scarlet, to an orange tone or even a pure dark red... it's length is also due to change with her ever changing whims, though she claims that in truth it's reaches past her waist. As a vain witch she doesn't let herself be restricted into one category of feminine beauty, be it with charms, illusions or makeup making her face look cute, pretty, sexy, provocative, beautiful or otherwise as mood and needs strike her. Ever fashionable she's not one to tie herself to one look, though she has her favorites.
  • Personality: Samantha Barker is a confident woman, of strong personality in part due to pride of her accomplishments and in part because if she wasn't she would be brought down by the immensity of her work. Always projecting control and security even when she doesn't feel it, the moments when this mask breaks are when she is most vulnerable... thus she prepares herself so that it never happens if she can help it. She relishes and is empowered by her femininity, taking delight and pride in it even as she claims that a woman isn't complete without just a bit of bloodlust. While she can enjoy a good battle, she is in truth a bookworm and seeker of knowledge at heart, the traits that set her on the path to become the witch she is today and meddle with the powers she does. At any moment she keeps a careful balancing art in maintaining and increasing her powers without being swallowed or destroyed by the things she deals with.
  • Equipment:
    • One Thousand and One Night - Morgiana and Scheherazade: Twin Scimitars made by a pair of Middle Eastern witches claiming to be descendants bearing the blood of the two cleverest women their myths, the blades of these two weapons are made of a near transparent metal which makes them look as if they were made of crystal or diamond. Their length is engraved with the words these two women used to survive their legend and the handles of silver for Morgiana and gold for Scheherazade. The blades are easy to wield by women and men who have the love of a woman, but heavy and unwieldy to all others. Both weapons are enchanted, being as sharp as the wit of their namesakes and both producing mirages of additional cuts in the air after every swing, just like both women made use of misdirection and lies to best those who would bring them harm. Unless the enemy has means of completely asserting the illusory nature of the attacks, these additional cuts will still deal damage.
    • Yew Branch of Uppsala - Witch Staff: A staff made of the wood of the legendary tree of the Temple at Uppsala, a conduit and offshoot of the Tree of Creation Yggdrassil where sacrifices were made to make wishes become reality. Samantha's training as a witch was complete when she crafted this staff out of the remains of such a famous tree. Made of dark wood, this staff is a conduit of her magic, though it holds special affinity for lightning first and fire second. By using it to spellcast, she can produce long range attacks of both lightning and fire elements with ease. Although it is possible to use in close combat, it's true purpose lies in long to mid range fighting by throwing lightning bolts and other magical attacks such as a barrages of magic shots. To a witch, it really acts as an all purpose rifle.
    • Protectors of the Realm - Ser Gawaine and Ser Lancelot: Weapons of the new age, these two handguns serve as Samantha's premium mid range weaponry. Once belonging to a man belonging to a British Secret Organization of occult specialists whose heart Samantha stole, the handguns are supposedly made to a certain extend from part of the metal from the blades of the legendary knights of the round table, with one of their bones being carved into decorations around the handle. Gawaine is bright white in color with an encrusted ruby and brass engravings around it while Lancelot is sheer black with an encrusted sapphire and silver engravings upon it. Both handguns have guards to protect the fingers of the wielder and are sharply tipped after Samantha modified them, serving not only as handguns but also as close range, almost like punching daggers. These weapons don't fire actually bullets, instead being fed the magical energy of the user into each shot.
    • Hippolita's Girdle - Might of the Amazon: More of a support item than an individual weapon, this girdle or belt comes from Ancient Greece and is said to have belonged to an Amazon Queen. By wearing it, Samantha's physical capabilities rise beyond the limits of humans, becoming stronger, faster, more resilient and with better reflexes. Amazing acrobatics and other manoeuvres are possible when wielding the belt. It is by the grace of this belt that Samantha has grown more confident in fighting demons and other evils on their terms, though it doesn't make her as strong as a good half demon would be, it still allows her to step into that kind of battlefield where using her tools and magic allow her to overcome great challenges.
    • Personal Possessions: A witch is nothing without her tools and a lady is nothing without her possessions. Samantha is not one to travel or live light to say the least... and over years has accumulated quite a bunch of knick knacks. Possessing a good amount of accumulated wealth, she is forced to stay always at work to generate more revenue to sustain both her lifestyle and the contracts and debts she falls into all the time. She has a home in England, one in France, a small apartment in China, a friend in Japan, a small house in Saudi Arabia and a house on the West Coast of the USA. Her belongings are scattered all around the globe... but on each location she keeps at least ingredients for potions and a small lab for magical research and rituals. With her she keeps a ring called the Armoire Key, which allows her to access an inter dimensional storage space the size of a small room. She can activate it and just pull out of a green glow in the air whatever is stored within or open a full gate to enter the space. Within she keeps what she travels with or may be useful at the time, some extra mundane weapons, wine and liquours, money, fake documents, a nice collection of clothes for all occasions, makeup and beauty products, cameras, travel purses, a cauldron and general witchery kit, books and more. As for more personal things... she keeps a big photo album with pictures of those who have touched her life the most. Her first journals of magic are stored within as well as the remains of her first familiar.
  • Powers and Abilites:
    • Magic Skill: Samantha is an adept and veteran practiser of the magic arts, knowing a bunch of theory and practice of how to wield such powers. In general she has good knowledge of how different kinds of magic works and can use it for a wide variety of purposes.
    • Witchcraft and Brewing: A witch is nothing without her brews and magical tools. Over the years she has learned how to make a variety of small magical trinkets and she's a mean brewer of potions. With the right reagents and ingredients she can make brews for all sorts of purposes.
    • Fighting Skills: She has been battling demons, the supernatural and angels for a little while after all... she more than knows how to hold her ground.
    • Keen Mind: Before she was hunter of the dark things, she was an intellectual and she only was able to become a witch due to the depths of her studies.
    • Feminine Arts: Over the years and as she has developed her abilities as a witch, Samantha has relied and embraced this more and more... the art of being feminine, of relishing and maintaining beauty and allure. One could say that it is a good part of her strength and identity as a witch, a living offering to the Moon and other patrons of witch power.
  • Style:
    • Temple Guardian: A defensive fighting style, powered by a relic of the same name on Samantha's possession. In the form of a golden bracelet covered in a dazzling array of circles and lines forming a complex pattern, this style is focused on blocking damage with magical barriers forming as a shield against incoming attacks. While the relic is active, Samantha's endurance is heightened as her body is surrounded by a light energy barrier... and afterwards, she's capable of projecting magical shields appearing as circular patterns of magical golden light. The intensity and power of the shield depends on the power Samantha puts into it as well as the timing... the moment the shield appears it is at its strongest. Bad timing in blocking attacks drains more energy or has the shields be destroyed by enemy attack. Good timing blocks even great, mighty blows, leaving enemies open to counter attack. Perfect timing wastes no energy, and allows the power of the shield to feed the next counter attack.
    • Hunter's Moon: An aggressive fighting style, powered by a relic of the same name on Samantha's possession. In the form of a silver necklace with the shape of the moon on all phases upon it... and decorated with a moonstone. Enhancing vitality, this style relies on evasion of enemy attacks to allow for an unending barrage of quick attacks. The relic itself enhances the senses of the user, as well as allowing transformation into animal shapes, a perfectly timed evasion allowing the user to burst into a great number of butterflies to reform behind the enemy for a counter attack. In her usual life, Samantha uses the transformation power to assume a number of useful animal shapes as well as change her looks, specially length and color of her hair.
  • Background: Samantha W. Barker was born long before her youthful looks may lead you to believe... while not yet having lived past the top of a human lifespan, she's currently enjoying her life with the youth she should have lost many decades ago. However... long ago, she was but a shy, young girl dreaming of magic and hungry for knowledge and fairy tales. Her curiosity and meddling with what she ought not meddle with destroyed her family in the process and nearly cost her life if not by the intervention of a fully formed witch to come rescue her. Initially wishing to dump her in an orphanage, Samantha who had lost it all clung to the woman until she agreed to teach her the magic she used to protect her. After years of arduous training and study, Samantha became a fully fledged witch... but just one of many if not for her thirst for knowledge... and knack for getting into tough situations. The truth is that Samantha rose among her brethren by pushing her limits... and getting into more bargains than most. Contracts with demons, pacts with angels, deals with spirits... Samantha spent many decades balancing the tab she had accrued to many different entities, using the powers bestowed to fight off collectors and obtain enough power to pay off some and eliminate others. A life of near constant danger... but from such danger came growth and maturity. It made her what she is now... And at the moment, after figuring out a way to keep her youth and having paid her most dangerous tabs, Samantha is confident in her abilities... and needing a new place to do business. Thus coming to Victor for the chance at further riches and power to sustain the spells keeping her young, pay off yet more tabs and grow ever more powerful... and if she can kill demons while doing all this, that's just a juicy bonus.

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#24: May 4th 2015 at 6:00:11 AM

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (36)Hmm...IN! Welcome to Victor's Purge Samantha! Now, onto creating a discussion thread, if you all can agree on that.

svenorzokarkoff Since: Apr, 2013

#25: May 4th 2015 at 10:10:41 AM

Sounds good


Total posts: 42

Advent of the Demon King: A DMC-inspired RP Signups/Interest Check (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.